Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Rice in Clay Pot (Beraam el Roz El Maamar Bel Frakh)

Today's dish is one of my favorite dishes that my mother used to prepare for me & my brothers .It could be described as genuinely Egyptian dish.Many families prepare it ,and it is well known in cities located south of Egypt.

It is very rich with flavour and calories too but still divine . It tastes SO good that you find your self preparing it every now and then . 

I took this recipe from my beloved mother as many other recipes.She is a great cook who don't stick to traditional recipes only but always offers us a variety of delicious food .She is used to  prepare these variety around the year but especially in Ramadan.I remember when I was young I used to follow cooking shows and write down recipes that she will prepare either on the same day or a day after.I think that's way I started to test new recipes to dazzle her with my talents too or to be unique as she was & still is.

I believe my mother should granted the title of super mammy as I thought she really is one of the super heroines ,and I am sure many of your mothers must granted the title too:) .AS for why I believe so ?? The answer is that she was and still a very hard worker .

As far as I know she was a working person from the early days in her marriage to my father.She sees that work gives woman additional benefits ,knowledge ,awareness and crystalize her character and the most important benefit is gaining lots of freinds.She always stresses on this idea that I immediately searched for a job after I got My graduation certificate.when I start working I found it true till the end.It makes you more independant.

I know that all my freinds are great women too but I appreciate her efforts more because when mom delivered my brother there wasn't enough facilities,appliances or enough technology that we have nowadays as granted .I mean there was, for example ,only half automatic washing machine and they were very expensive too.I remember her talking with my aunt about how they used to wash my brother cotton diapers when he was infant by hand before buying the washing machine as pampers wasn't yet invented .
She always care for us,she used to share dad in helping us studying our lessons.And she is still doing the same with my daughter as she tought my kid her first words.Not to mention what she faces with me during my daughter's first days in my life.

She makes the hard equation come true.She managed to keep the balance between being a great housewife, successful working woman "ranked as a general manager in her work" ,marvelous mom that rose up 2 men and a woman. 

Through that she faced alot of responsabilities many men aren't able to face.

She is a very very elegant women,God have blessed her with beauty from inside and outside too.She has a very adorable giggle that's full of joy and is very radiant as well,it makes people around her fells the same feeling of joy.

She give me strength and joy as her "story of glory"  is an embodiment of the saying "when there is a will there is a way"

She turns every small event into a beautiful gathering even if it was for the five of us.I got my passion for making deserts from her as I've learned that food is a simple and effective mean to gather your friends and family together.For me cooking is only a mean for a better cause and I 've learned that from mom 

Iam sure that many of you are great mothers too but this was a small token of gratitude to mom.I wish you all share with me your mother's "Story of Glory" - as I like to call- as I know your mothers are great too as I happen to know their offspring :)
Let us share our mother's "Story of Glory" and our favorite food and how they prepare it,let everyone be inspired and finally ,read her what you have written about her.

Returning to mom's recipe  

Ingredients:(four servings)

2 cups egyptian rice
1 cup full cream milk
1 cup chicken stock (mara2)
1 tablespoon ghee(samn)
1 tablespoon cream (kshta)
1 teaspoon mixes spice
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon salt or according to your preferance
deep clay pot(be sure it is deep enough..rice reach lower half only)
water for soaking rice
1 chicken (cleaned and boiled with onion ,cardimom(7bahan),bay leaf(lawra))


Wash rice once then soak it for 15 min.(washing rice is by covering it with water and then straining it).Meanwhile put the stock and milk together and bring them to boil.After straining the rice from water put it in the clay pot then put ghee,spices,pepper& salt (be aware that the stock is already salted).stire it till they 're combined with rice.Pour in the soup /milk mix on rice stir to be sure it is all covered(here you have a choice either by putting the chiken after diving it into four parts in on the top of the rice or seved aside),cover the pot with alluminum foil and put it in the oven on 170 deg C till the rice is cooked .It will take from 30 to 45 min.Uncover the pot ,put cream on top and turn on the grill for 1or 2 min (depending on your oven)till the top of the rice become golden brown .

Then serveit with chicken ,stir fried vegetables and salad to balance the calories a little,or with Molokhia and salad as I prefer :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Best Brownies with Coco Powder

Brownies is my favourite chocolate treat.I love how I taste pure chocolate each time I take a bite.It could be served alone with your preferance of coffee or topped with mini marshmellows.But the most outrageous serving is the one with ice cream.I love having my brownies with chocolate sauce and strawberry ice cream .Many ice cream houses makes it a base for ice cream or crumbled with vanilla or caramel ice cream which match very well and add an elegant and fulfilling taste

I took this recipe from my dearest friend yasmine whom I miss so much.She is a brilliant cook ,we share the same passion for food and testing new recipes.I remember the great times we've spent preparing delicious food with the help of our dearest friend layla.We spent alot of time in kitchen not only cooking but chating and singing and saying jokes.This always ends with my hungry husband returning from work searching for the food we've prepared while it's not finished cooking yet. Every time we gather we make a party .serve yummy food,play menopoly and watch a movie.I miss you very much my dearest friends and miss these lovely days too.

Now back to the brownies,the best thing in this recipe is that it is based on Coco powder.As we all knew brownies is made using melted chocolate but in this we use coco powder and pieces od chocolate which gives it the indulging taste of chocolate.


100 g unsalted butter(1/4 cup melted) melted
11/2 cup sugar
3 large eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder(small )
1/4 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons coco powder
200g any kind of chocolate (I used sweetened milk chocolate)chopped into small pieces (the size of raisin).


In a bowl mix flour,baking powder and salt.In an electric mixer place butter and sugar and mix till they turned into creamy mixture( you can mix it by hand) add eggs and vanilla  mix until combined then dd coco powder.Add the flour mixture a little at a time while you're mixing.Add the chopped chocolate until you feel it's spread in the batter (a thick blatter).Preheat oven to180 deg C and pour the batter in a 20 inch greased and floured baking pan and into the oven for 15-20 min, according to the oven.After 15 min check it with a toothpick in the middle it should come out with little crumbles of  batter,if it came clear then it's over cooked and if it came with the dough mixture then it's not ready yet.IT SHOULD COME WITH WET CRUMBLES.For the sauce: In a saucepan melt 1/4 cup of chocolate pieces with 4 tablespoons milk. Serve the brownies hot or cooled ,the most important thing is to enjoy them.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Pizza Pizza

Who don't love Pizza.I think no one could fight its temptation. Even kids they love it .Idon't see it as junk food at all although I believe it's ithe most nutrious meal at all. It's full of fibres, proteins,carbohydrates & useful fats.All this in a delicious light plate.These factors can be obtained for sure when you make it at home.

Some of my friends make the dough with only flour,water and yeast like the bread dough while others make it with eggs and ghee.My virgine is in between both. it gives the lightness of bead with the richness of pies.

The sauce also is a homemade sauce, I learned it from my mother who is a very creative cook.She used to make us pizza and tarts in our birthdays(me & my brothers).I have albums filled with pictures of the food prepared in these birthdays.From pizza to tarts,cakes and pastrie whether savory or sweet it is all available in a very decorative style.May be I got my passion as I got my genes from my mother or what do you think!! :)   

Ingredients: Dough

2 2/3 cups flour
1/4 cup warm milk
1 tablespoon active yeast
1 tablespoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup warm water (less or more depending on the flour)

Ingredients :Sauce

3 tablespoons olive oil
1 small onion chopped
1 bell pepper sliced
2 small tomatos chopped
2 tablespoon tomato paste
2 teaspoons thyme
4 tablespoons water
salt& pepper

*Pepperoni ,boiled chicken or cooked shrimps,or strained Tuna mixed with 1 lemon juice
*Moderella cheese , cheddar or any kind of cheese you love
*black or green olive according to your preferances


In a bowl mix milk,sugar and yeast set aside for 10 min. till the mixture is foamy then add oil.Mix in four and salt till it is about to form a dough. Add warm water a little at a time till the dough is formed. Don;t over dry it or let it too sticky.Knead on a clean surface for 10 mins. in all the directions (rotate the dough while kneading).preheat oven to 180 deg.C . grease the dough with olive oil then cover it with plastic bag and let rise in the kitchen for 30 min minimum.
Prepare the pizza pan by greasing it with olive oil.This step is very important as it gives the pizza the crust that pizza hut has.Now expand dough in the pan to form a very thin dough.let it rest till you prepare the sauce

In a saucepan on medium heat ,put oil then onion till it turned yellow.Add pepper and stir till it's tender then add tomato.Stir the mixture add tomato paste and stir again till it all combined,add thyme salt & pepper ,water.Let it simmer for 5 min.till it turned into a thick sauce

Spread the sauce over the dough,put your favorite topping (I prefer pepperoni or tuna),slices of olives and top it with mozerella and cheddar cheese.

Put it in the oven for 20 min.Serve hot with ketchop,hot chilli sauce.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cinnamon Rolls

I am a big fan of cinnamon rolls.I crave it every time I came across Cinnabon and smell the fregrant aroma.I've tried several recipes and this is very close.The best advantage in this recipe is that it's easy and takes little time in preparation.Don't let the steps intimidate you.


1 cup warm milk
2 1/2 teaspoon instant yeast
2 large eggs
2 teaspoon vanilla extract(1 teaspoon vanilla powder)
1/3 cup ghee or softened butter
41/2 cup flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup sugar


1/3 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar (if not available use caster sugar )
2 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon


1 Package cream cheese
1/4 cup butter
1 1/2 cup icing or powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
pinch of salt

Prepare the dough first and let it rise .Dissolve the milk and sugar then add the yeast. Let that get foamy on the top and set aside .Mix flour with salt and set aside.In a bowl beat eggs, add the milk mixture then add ghee.Stir till combined.Add the flour a little at a time.You could use a regular mixer. mixture in with the flour a little at a time. When it is mixed well enough, finish kneading by hand.Let it rise After the dough has doubled in size turn it out onto a lightly floured surface, cover and let rest for 10 minutes. In a small bowl, combine brown sugar and cinnamon.

Roll dough into a 16x21 inch rectangle. Spread dough with 1/3 cup butter and sprinkle evenly with sugar/cinnamon mixture. Roll up dough and cut into 12 rolls. Place rolls in a lightly greased 9x13 inch baking pan. Cover and let rise until nearly doubled, about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to (200 degrees C).
Bake rolls in preheated oven until golden brown, about 15 minutes. While rolls are baking, beat together cream cheese, 1/4 cup butter, confectioners' sugar, vanilla extract and salt. Spread frosting on warm rolls before serving.
Freeze cinnamon rolls. Then you can pop them out of the freezer, put them in the microwave, and they taste fresh from the oven!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Shrimps with butter lemon sauce & Garlic Pasta

I love seafood specially shrimps. I love how they absorb all the flavors added and develops to a new dish. Here’s a shrimp recipe that’s soo easy and flavorful .When I came across this recipe I doubted its result as  it asks for  only have 3 ingredients ( plus the shrimps of course) so I prepared a sample of it beside other already  tested seafood dishes J but it turned out  great  and my husband and daughter asked for more. Here we go

½ kilo large size shelled and cleaned shrimps
2 tablespoons butter + 1 tablespoon olive oil
2 small lemon juices
3 garlic gloves (1 tablespoon minced garlic)
1 tablespoon chopped parsley

In a saucepan on medium heat put 1 tbsp butter and oil the add shrimps. Toss shrimps  until half cooked then add the remaining butter , garlic, salt and pepper .Toss the shrimps until coated completely with butter and garlic ,add lemon juice stir then add parsley.(if they are not cooked as you desire add 3 tbsp water till absorbed) .Serve with white rice or Garlic buttered pasta (recipe follows)
1 package spaghetti Pasta
½ tbsp minced garlic
2 tbsp butter
Water for Pasta
Bring a pot of salted water to a boil and cook pasta according to package instructions. Drain in a colander in the sink.In a saucepan put butter and garlic till you smell its aroma, add salt (if pasta isn’t salty enough) toss pasta with the sauce together and serve with shrimps.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pasta With Red Pepper Sauce

Today's recipe is pasta with red pepper sauce .I came over this recipe when I was dinning with my husband in a restaurant .I didn't taste it before so I decided to give it a try and it was great so I surfed the internet to find the recipe .I found one made by chef Bobby flay.A little conversion was made on it and it tasted delisious. It is very easy and tasty too. It is also an awesome dish for vegetarians. Pepper sauce freezes well and could be used on grilled chicken, meat or fish. I used to serve it with garlic chicken breast covered with the same sauce with sautee vegs. (Recipe for 3)

Ingredients: (Pasta & Pepper Sauce)

1 package any kind of pasta
2 Red bell pepper
1/2 small red onion, chopped
2 cloves roasted garlic, peeled and chopped
1 clove garlc
4 tablespoons red wine vinigar or ( white vinigar )
1/2 tablespoon honey
1/2 tablespoon mustard
1 tablespoon hot pepper (optional)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/4 cup olive oil + 1 tablespoon
3 Tbsp water

Bring large pot of salted water to a boil and cook the pasta according to the package instructions. Drain in a colander in the sink.
To grill the pepper:brush them with a tablespoon of olive oil or veg. oil and grill or put them on the oven rack for 25 min on 200 deg.C turn them over after they turn black on the upper side . After it is  grilled( blackened) remove them and set on a plate for  3 min. then transfer them in a plastic bag and let them cool then peel the skin and seeds out. In a blender Combine peppers,half the onion & garlic, vinegar, honey, mustard, hot pepper, salt and pepper ,half the oil and blend until smooth. set the mixture aside.In a saucepan, heat oil over medium heat until hot, add the rest of the onion cook until golden then add the rest of garlic  cook for 1 min.(don't burn it) add the the pepper mixture,water and bring to a simmer.In a large bowl, toss the pasta and sauce together ,grate some Parmesan(Gebna Romi) over the top. Serve immediately.


Ingredients:(Garlic Chicken breast)
1 large bonless chicken breast
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon dried thyme (zaatar)
salt and pepper
1/2 cup of water

for sauteed veg.
2 zuccini (cosa)
2 small carrots or 6 baby carrots
1 large onion
5 green peas pods
6 mashrooms ,washed and sliced (you can use canned)
2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons meat or chicken or veg, stock
1 garlic clove

1 lemon juice
1 teaspoon thyme

Wash the chicken breast add some vinigar for the washing water.Season the with salt , pepper,lemon juice and garlic .Leave it in marination for at least half an hour.In a saucepan heat oil and cook ckicken until golden brown on both sides then add thyme turn it around for 2 min, then put it on baking tray with water and put it in the oven for 30 min.
In a saucepan put the butter till hot,add garlic  and cook for a min.Add the carrots and stir then add the rest of the vegs. one by one .Stir continously but gently .Add thyme salt and pepper.Add stock and let it simmer till it is totally absorbed.Serve it as side dish with the chicken.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Shish Tawook And Yellow Spiced Rice

I get you today an oriental dish that is very light,healthy and easy too.Shish Tawook is in essence grilled chicken thighs cut into cubes with grilled vegetables presented with white or yellow spiced rice. It is all about marination(elttbela),the only work you need to do is to marinate the chicken thighs in yoghurt mix and you'll get the best tender & juicy grilled chicken ever.

Ingredients:(Shish Tawook)

1 kilo chicken thighs cut into cubes
1cup plain yoghurt 
4 tablespoons ketchup
4 tablespoons olive oil.
1 lemon juice (large)
1 galic clove(minced)
1/2 tablespoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
3 large tomatos cut into cubes
3 large bell pepper (felfel romy)cut into squares
2 onions cut into cubes
wooden scewers socked in water


Mix  yoghurt with ketchup,olive oil,lemon juice,garlic,salt and black pepper in a bowl then add the chicken live it in marination over night or at least  for half an hour ,In a scewer put a piece of  onion then apice of chicken then a piece of  pepper then a piece of tomato. Repeat with the rest of chicken and vegetables. grill it on a barbeque grill or in the oven (I sometimes put them over a baking tray in the oven  )200deg C  for 30 min. then turn it over when it is golden brown then leave it for extra 15 min.
Serve it with yellow rice (recipe follows)



2 Cup basmati rice  
3 Cups water chicken or meat stock (maraka-shorba)
3 Teaspoons tumeric powder(corcom) 
3 Coves (oronfel-mesmar)
3 Cardemom seeds(7bhan- heel)
1 onion (preferably white)
2 bay leaves (lawra- ghar)
2 cinnamon sticks(cerfa)
2 Tablespoons Ghee or butter or vegetable oil
1/2 tablesoon salt

Prepare the rice by putting it in  a bowel  cover it with tape water and stir it with a tablespoon for a couple of times then remove the starchy liguid formed , repeat for 3 extra times and drain.You can either sock it for 15 min. in tape water then drain it. Cut onion into small squares and set aside. Put a cooking pan over heat (on the cooker)add ghee and onion till it became yellow& translusent.Add spices (cloves,bayleave,cinnamon stick,cardimom and tumaric powder) stir for  2 seconds then add rice stir it for a while the add water.Add salt and stir leave it on high it until water boils and reduces to barely cover rice then transfer it to very very low heat cover it and leave it for half an hour.Present as side dish with shish Tawook .

Friday, April 13, 2012

Chocolate Cake

Hi everybody, this blog is devoted for home cooking,baking and desserts which recently occupies great space in my life. Every time I taste new food it is like going into a new journey.It brings me a joy when someone got pleased tasting my food. It is also a great hobby to anyone who needs something to fill his/her free time.when you know the basics it is easy to combine ingredients together and create your own signature dish.
Since dessert is the best thing you can get after dinner "if you don't like food" or the best gift you can make for your loved ones to show them you care, I present to you a chocolate cake to celebrate food. this recipe is so easy makes sponge and moist cake .you can serve it alone or with vanilla ice cream or you could fill it with whipped cream and slices of fruit (fresh strawberry or canned peach) or even hazelnut and cover it with icing to turn it into the best birthday cake.

Ingredients:(Serve 8 person)

1 cup milk
1cup caster sugar
1/2 cup oil
6 tablespoons coco powder
3 large eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla powder or extract
1 cup flour
11/4 tablespoons or packet baking powder (16g)
Preheart oven 200 Âșc. In a bowl mix milk, sugar, oil and coco powder together until sugar is dissolved then reserve a cup of this mixture and keep it aside (you can use electric mixer or mix it by hand ) then add the eggs ,vanilla and mix well .Add sifted flour and baking powder. Butter a 20 inch pan and dust table spoon of flour to cover the bottom and sides, pour cake mixture into the pan. Put it in the oven for 20 min. When it comes out wait 10 min. then pass a knife around the edges then put the serving plate over the pan and turn it around , pour the cup of the reserved mixture over the cake till absorbed. You can serve it warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or as it is. A create dessert and easy one too, sooo light you'll love it.